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Booking More Photography Inquiries

If you’ve caught yourself saying the phrase “people just aren’t buying right now,” number 1 – you’re wrong.. because they are. And number 2 – I’m going to tell you how to change that in today’s post! Here’s what to know about booking more photography inquiries!

Why photography inquiries aren’t booking

Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s been on everyone’s mind lately: How to position your offer as a ‘must-have’ even in the current market. Because let’s face it—people are still buying, still investing, and still seeking services that meet their needs. The trick is to make sure your offer is the one they can’t say no to. So, let’s get into it!

So, here’s the thing: People are still spending money. Yes, even now. But they’re being more selective about where they’re putting their dollars. They’re looking for value, for solutions that feel necessary, and that’s exactly where you come in.

Analyzing consumer behaviors

First off, let’s talk about current consumer behaviors.

Ongoing Investments:

Despite economic shifts, people continue to invest in services that bring value, solve problems, or enhance their lives. The demand for quality and reliable services is still strong! For example, this can be as simple as makeup, protein, toilet paper, netflix, phone apps, etc. We all have our “go-to” things that we just cannot get by without. Why is that? Because we feel and directly see the value it brings to our lives by having it.

Selective Spending:

Consumers are more discerning, opting to spend on services that truly resonate with their needs, values, or aspirations. They are looking for solutions that feel essential rather than optional. But also, look around. Idk about you guys, but the Amazon delivery truck makes its stop at my house just about every day… People are walking around with new outfits on, I typically choose to pay more for healthier food or more holistic product options.

    Like I said, the demand for quality, reliability, and expertise hasn’t disappeared—it’s evolved. And what that means for you is an opportunity to adapt and change with it honestly

    But how do you make your offer stand out? How do you make it feel like a ‘must-have’ rather than just a ‘nice-to-have’?

    Addressing immediate needs

    It starts with addressing immediate needs. You’ve got to frame your offer as the no-brainer or gap in the market that your ideal clients can’t get anywhere else. Make it clear that what you’re offering is not just relevant, but essential.

    What I personally don’t like to do is create a ton of extra urgency. It’s okay to have a little bit to give a little nudge, but I definitely don’t want to be running my business or marketing from a place of urgency or scarcity.

    Now how you do this can be done in different ways. Is it WHAT you’re offering, HOW you’re offering it, WHEN you’re offering it, WHERE you’re offering it, or is it simple the fact that YOU are the one offering it?

    One thing I know to be true to work is to find that gap in your market that YOU can fill, and test and figure out new ways to market that!

    Highlight value over cost

    Emphasize the long-term benefits and ROI of your service. Communicate how making your service is an essential investment.

    • How are you going to make their lives easier?
    • How are you going to ensure they don’t have buyers remorse?
    • How are you going to capture their moments in a way no one else will?
    • What are you providing no one else is?

    These are the things you should be prioritizing within your marketing and messaging, NOT just the WHAT or the deliverables… but the HOW/WHY and value.

    This is also why I’m not a big fan of having prices on your website for a couple reasons:

    1. I like to offer custom proposals and have dynamic pricing
    2. it feels more transactional to have prices on your site and less personal – therefore, less connective

    It skips that essential step of connection and creating TOGETHER vs feeling like another transactional vendor.

    Offer exclusive benefits

    Introduce limited-time offers, bonuses, or exclusive features that make your service not just desirable, but necessary to act on now.

    Focus on emotional connection

    Understand what drives your audience—what are they looking for when hiring a photographer? What’s driving them to choose one option over another? How are you making people FEEL in your marketing, messaging, communication, phone call, offer, etc.?

    When you connect your offer to these emotions, it becomes so much more than just a service. It becomes a solution that speaks to their deepest desires. So understanding the emotional connection points of your audience and tie your offer to these feelings where you see fit.

    This is why I love client experience and client connection so much. It’s absolutely crucial for any type of business you run, and you need to think about the emotional needs of your clients first.

    Demonstrate expertise and authority

    Build trust by showcasing your expertise. When you are seen as a leading expert, your service becomes a go-to option. Chances are, you’ve photographed other clients in the area, or at least similar clients, shot X amount of weddings, you’ve worked with specific vendors, shot at certain venues, etc. and can utilize that to your advantage.

    For example; “After photographing over 50 weddings, I’ve learned this about what brides truly desire for their wedding day and exactly how to help make it happen.” Sometimes it’s as simple as people seeing that you’re in demand to realize “Hey, I want in on this too.”

    But the tricky part to becoming in higher demand fast is being able to live up to that expectation. So along with this growth, you need to make sure you’re communicating your knowledge and expertise along with it.

    Tailor messaging to current trends

    Stay in tune with the current market trends and adjust your messaging to align with what’s top of mind for your audience. This makes your offer feel timely and relevant!

    Booking More Photography Inquiries

    So, to wrap it all up: Yes, people are still investing in services, and yes, you can absolutely make your offer a ‘must-have.’ By addressing immediate needs, emphasizing value, offering exclusive benefits, focusing on transformation, connecting emotionally, showcasing your expertise, and staying current, but most importantly… finding your unique selling point/approach/voice is what’s going to ultimately make you stand out in the person YOU are and become someone who only offers a specific thing in a specific way, making people NEED to come to YOU.

    Photography Business Coach

    What up, I’m Rach!

    Your Photography Business Coach (but my students just call me their magic inquiry fairy) because I seem to sprinkle the inquiry dust and they get magically get inquiries after our coaching calls

    photography business coach

    My teaching approach focuses on customization—using proven methods tailored specifically to your business, so we can truly customize your learning experience together and break free from the cookie-cutter techniques everyone else is using

    Here’s my golden rule: help you radiate in your own realm of expertise 

    The heart behind my student-centric approach is helping you set the foundations you need in your business to become the go-to photographer in your market in the simplest way so you can grow faster without the overwhelm

    You can apply to Passion to Profit here!

    photography inquiries

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