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threads review for photographers

Threads for Photographers

Here is my review of how to use Threads for photographers to utilize it as another way to connect and market yourself!

Today is all about the brand new social media app, Threads. I am going to tell you what I think of it, how we can leverage and use it, and how we can approach it in general to efficiently yield more content. So if you are looking for a more simple way to create more content that opens conversations and connects with your audience quickly and authentically, then show up with me in a positive movement through the use of Threads.  

Thoughts on Threads

Threads is a quick, easy tool to use to express and connect with your audience. It engages authenticity and breaks away from the predictable media content that relies on specific formulas for success. The positivity found in this new social media app is refreshing and liberating!

Social Media Comparisons

It’s easy to get stuck in perfectionism when striving to make the most productive and engaging content. It takes time to come up with the idea, implement the plan and release the completed version. Threads can be completed in a matter of seconds, with little thought needed. This huge difference in time and energy, with the advantage of maintaining authenticity is a game changer.  It is simply posting the thoughts that come to mind. This concept liberates the perfectionist mindset of overthinking and reduces the time spent perfecting before posting. 


When posting on Instagram, there’s more than posting the thought that comes to mind. The post would need a perfectly curated image to attach to the idea. There’s added pressure and overthinking when wondering if the right text was chosen, what tools should be used in stories, and how to leverage them. Whereas, Threads only requires the posting of the thought itself. 

TikTok & Reels

With Tiktok and Reels, design is taken a step further to require not only an image but added video engagement. Understanding how to use the equipment, what angles are needed, what storyline or script to use and how to make the video captivating can be very time consuming, technical and overwhelming.

As we can see, successfully developing social media content can typically be time consuming, technical and energy draining. With the specific guidelines or rules to follow, the content created is getting too predictable, making creating and showing up unenjoyable. Threads provides a beautiful opportunity that challenges you to show up the way you want to. It takes the work and thought process out of the posting experience to free one’s expression. At this point, there are very few rules as everyone is experimenting to find what works and what doesn’t. The only requirement at the moment is to just show up! 

Positive Media

I asked you guys your initial thoughts about threads. A really popular answer I saw was how positive the app is right now. Threads was found to be a positive atmosphere that welcomed free, individual thought and expression. The ease of just putting your thought out or picking some pictures to represent your idea without the pressure of perfection is absolutely refreshing. The only requirement is taking action and following through. We share the hope that Threads stays a positive environment. 

I totally agree, but it made me sad too. It’s heartbreaking to think about the fact that we just view social media as a whole, as a negative space, and that being nice, kind and positive is a refreshing thing. Shouldn’t we be nice and positive all the time, no matter where we’re at, whether in person or on social media? I’m not saying it’s not okay to have different opinions than other people. I think that’s what sets you apart. And of course, we’re all going to have different opinions and beliefs that we’re going to share that will either attract or repel others and create conversation around a topic. I just wish that we all could use social media as a fun and positive space.

So yes, I’m hoping that Threads stays positive, but that was kind of an eye opening thing for me to think that we, as a whole, don’t view social media as a positive space. It should be, so let’s make that change. Let’s make all social media a positive place to be.  Also with that whole energy of just showing up, creating content however you want, let’s take this new energy and spread it across our entire social media presence. I think that’s going to give us all a fresh perspective to share love and positivity. I think it will allow us to show up how we want to without feeling like it needs to be perfect or curated to fit the narrative of each platform.

Let’s Show Up!

I know that’s easier said than done, but I think we’re all over feeling really confined to each platform and the requirements each entails. So let’s shake things up a bit and just show up however we want on all the platforms. I’m down for it. If you’re down for it, let’s just do it.

I think it’s a beautiful thing that it came along. Now we realize that yes, we can present our creativity and unique thoughts however we want. Things don’t need to be perfectly curated. Don’t think about it. Just post it. Just do it. I’m here for it. Hopefully you’re here for it too.

So let’s begin to show up. And let’s just take this whole new energy and vibe and spread it across all social media platforms. Let’s be ourselves, create connection, create community, create conversation and just have fun. Let’s have it be a positive space!

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